
  • 建立資產(Creating assets)
  • 安全控制項建模(Modelling security controls)
  • 建立關聯(Creating Relations)
  • 插入文件(Inserting Documents)
  • 安全要求建模(Modelling Security Requirements)
  • 確認安全要求符合安全控制(Making Security Requirements Comply with Security Controls)
  • Risk Management according to MAGERIT
    • 建立新的範圍(Create a new scope)
    • 建立新的資產(Create a new Asset)
    • 建立新的流程(Create a new process)
    • 註冊新的弱點(Register a new vulnerability)
    • 註冊新的威脅(Register a new threat)
    • 建立風險評估情境(Create new Risk Scenario)
    • 建立風險評估報表(Create a Risk Assessment Report)
    • 風險改善(Risk Mitigation)
    • 建立風險評估報表(Create a Risk Assessment Report)
  • 執行資訊安全評估(Performing an Information Security Assessment)